Hertford & District Table Tennis League

2024-2025 Season

Card last updated 27 Aug 2024 at 00:00
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If you think this card is wrong, please tell the Match Secretary. See it. Say it. Sorted!
Date:   29 Nov 2024   Division:     Two  
Home Team   PramaStars B V Stanstead Abbotts   Away Team  
Home Team           Away Team           ~~ 1st ~~ ~~ 2nd ~~ ~~ 3rd ~~ ~~ 4th ~~ ~~ 5th ~~ ~~ Sets ~~
A   X                -   
B   Y                -   
C   Z                -   
B   X                -   
A   Z                -   
C   Y                -   
B   Z                -   
C   X                -   
A   Y                -   
Doubles:                   -       -       -           -   
  Posted 27 Aug 2024 at 00:00 by Final Result (in sets):    -   
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